A downloadable game

Atlas is a historian and cryptologist seeking the wealth of Fortuna, the Goddess of Luck. He discovers her Temple, but finds himself in an unfortunate position. Atlas must use his wits and skill to escape the ruins which are full of games of chance and trickery.

There are several rooms, each with a different puzzle and theme. Here are some of the solutions to the puzzles in case someone gets stuck.

“Punishment Room”: This room looks like a maze, and it is our “bad” room. There are no benefits to being here as Fortuna has frowned on you. To escape, you must reach the other side of the room (to the left) without touching the walls. If you touch the inner walls three times, the player dies and starts again from the beginning. Go slow and move a little at a time to avoid hitting the walls.

“Puzzle/Maze Room”: This room starts with four tiles on the floor and a blocked-off arch. To proceed, you need to light up all four tiles at the same time. Each time you touch a tile, it toggles it. Then there are two other puzzles. The puzzle at the back of the room requires all the tiles to be lit up, similar to the starting puzzle. To solve this one (assuming the far side of the room is “up” and going back where you came from is “down”), walk: up, up, up, right, up, left, up, up, right, down, right, up, up. If you mess up and want to reset the tiles, step on the red tile at the beginning of the puzzle. A diagram will also be in the dev notes.

The one on your right requires you to walk the correct path through a minefield of “bad” tiles. The correct path (marked with Y, and with player start position as O) is: 

 X X Y X X



X Y Y Y Y 



“Reward Room”: This room is our “good” room with a relatively simple puzzle. You need to find four candles that are placed around the room - 1 at the bottom left corner, 1 at the bottom right corner, and 2 at the top left corner of the room. After that, players need to place the candles on the 4 torch stands around the chest. There is no specific order you need to place the candles, and you can place candles as long as you have some in the inventory. 

“Forge Room”: There are two chests in the room, one is placed at the bottom right corner of the room, another is hiding behind a hidden room on the right side of the room. To open the hidden room, you need to pick up the sword on the table on the right side of the room. Then place the sword into the rack next to it. A wall that is blocking the hidden door should disappear, and you will be able to enter the hidden room.

The next goal is to open both chests. You need to explore the top left corner of the room, you will see there is a pressure board hiding under the chest, as well as a shield that is falling on the floor. Push away the chest from the pressure board, and place (push) the shield on the pressure board. Once the shield touches the pressure board, both chests are opened.


Escape_from_the_Ruins_of_Fortuna.zip 87 MB

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